Saturday, November 05, 2005

- WORK - Nursing Homes

Working as a Nurse Assistant is NOT a pleasant job. You get to clean up puke, poop, pee, blood, tube feeding, and pretty much every other unpleasant thing you can think of. Why am I doing it? For the experience AND for the end goal. My RN Degree.

Nothing unpleasant is worth it, if you will never get something better. It's like sacrificing for something less than what you are giving just doesn't work that way. Don't get me wrong. this line of work has it's is great to see an old person smile at you when you know they've had a bad day. And it's not like I'm finding these people Ink Cartridges...ugh...retail.... I HATE RETAIL!

Sorry had to get that out for the day. Of the two years I spent at Office Depot...I did have a few times where I enjoyed my customers and enjoyed helping them out. But these are things that they could easily do for themselves if they decided to learn how to do them. Finding your own ink cartridge does suck, but it's not rocket science. Changing bedpans and bed dressings is not rocket science, but these people can't do it for themselves. Most are so pitifully bound up that their muscles are completely constricted. Some can't talk to you and the only thing you can find out, is it they'll smile at you. A few of them are so seemingly comatose that the first time you go to their bedside you are afraid they will suddenly jump up and start strangling you(like a horror movie.) But in the end I leave there, not worrying one Iota of what happens after I leave, but knowing that I helped someone to have less pain...and that's rewarding to me.

There's also humor, like last night. I was the only Nurse Aid on the floor because the other one was on lunch, and the Charge Nurse was outside getting a bit of fresh air. Then suddenly this hulking old man walks up and tries to go outside. I ask him politely to come back inside, and he tells me that I shouldn't follow him around like a little dog, and then threatens to punch me. Then another lady who is losing her mind, starts playing the piano at two in the morning. Lastly there's another resident passed out in one of our recliners...IT WAS LIKE NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD! :) I had a good laugh afterwards, but geez.

If I can find a program to start taking my LPN Classes Immediately I will. But if not I'll have to wait until next August, which may drive me crazy...but in the end it will be worth it. I honestly believe that sacrifice brings forth blessings, but I also believe that it only will bless you with what you still have intact. Going insane won't help anything, but pushing to the limit on the other hand without falling over...that's the goal :)


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