SUPERMAN RETURNS - has a ton of potential. If it can capture the same essence of what superman is, that Batman Begins captured, then all will be well and we will enjoy quite a great show I would say...if not, then it shall join an already growing population of craptastic movies that will line the 5 dollar bin at "The Walmart".
With cast members Kevin Spacey (Lex Luthor), Newcomer Brandon Routh (Superman/Clark Kent), Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane), James(Jean...don't do this)Marsden, and a few others that I don't feel are worth has the sleeper hit talent ability.
Some hate these actors, and some love them. I personally look forward to a full bucket of extra extra buttered popcorn....did i say extra butter? and of course a "Diet" soda drink....nah, no diet for this moviegoer. We will reserve judgement until I see this picture, but until then, I shall leave you with this wallpaper that I made all by myself.
YAY! Go Superman!
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